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Jaclyn Mulek

Modo/Modo Flow/Yin Instructor

My first MODO class was over six years ago. Shortly after (totally unrelated) I incurred two complete herniated discs in my Lumbar spine. The first was my L4 and about a year later my L1. It was debilitating and unequivocally the most pain I have ever felt in my life and I unknowingly entered a state of depression. I did mechanical spinal traction therapy and the pain was partially reduced. With no other options from the public health system – I came back to yoga. I started doing a lot of yin and therapeutic yoga at Sattva School of yoga. I began to recognize a glow seeping into the rest of my life and eventually acknowledged how cloudy I had been. I remember walking home from a class and smiling for no reason at all, no particular thought. I was just happy. It had been a time since I felt that way.

I was told I may never touch my toes in a forward fold again. Within a year I could. That summer I did the Skyline Trail, a 44km backcountry hike with a 45lb pack on. The lesson was simply that I have the ability to overcome absolutely anything, if and when I choose to. (& so do you). Finding the beauty in postures that are physically challenging was a benchmark in my practise. Approaching challenge as an opportunity to become stronger and softening when that challenge creates tension, has transformed the relationships in my life. I was a yoga-gypsy for a while, doing more than a handful of beginner/intro months. MYSP felt like coming home. So I joined the energy exchange program. Just over a year later I was on a plane to Montreal for Level 1. I couldn’t be more grateful for all of the teachers who have influenced my path. I have never regretted a single second spent in that studio and can’t wait to share that love with you in the cave.